Using the Library

Location & Contact

Memorial Library

2407 Main Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033




Mon, Tue, & Thu 9 am - 9 pm
Wed 12 pm - 9 pm
Fri & Sat 9 am - 5 pm
Sun Closed

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Library Mobile App

Did you know the Library has an App?

Now, you can access your library account, search for items in the collection, and pull up your library card - all at the touch of a button!

Download the free Library Connection Mobile App from the Google or Apple App stores to get started.

How to Get Started

1. Download the free app by going to the Apple or Android app store on your smart device. Search for "Library Connection Mobile."

2. Launch the app and enter your library card information.

3. Use the app to make even better use of your Library!

Using the App

How would you use the App "in real life"? Here's how we've already used it on our devices:

  • Search for a book and place a hold while you're in the bookstore - before you forget the title!
  • Pull up the list of museum passes while you're making weekend plans.
  • Use the "events" button to quickly and easily register for library programs as soon as you hear about them.
  • Pull up your reading history to see what you've already read - right in the library- before checking out the next in the series.
  • Open Consumer Reports (under Research and Learn) before you make a final decision on which dishwasher to order. (Note: This feature is currently being added – please access Consumer Reports from the website until then!)
  • Renew your checkouts at the touch of a button - and call the library just as easily if you have questions!
  • Always have your library card with you - the number and barcode are in the App for your use at any Connecticut library.