Using the Library
- Search the Catalog
- Lending Information
- Library Use Policies
- 2CF Studio
- Computers, Copiers, Faxes
- ePrinting
- Reserving Rooms
- Suggest a Purchase
- Museum Passes
- Notary & Proctoring Services
Location & Contact
Memorial Library
2407 Main Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033
Library Hours
Mon, Tue, & Thu 9 am - 9 pm
Wed 12 pm - 9 pm
Fri & Sat 9 am - 5 pm
Sun 1 pm - 5 pm
2CF Studio Hours
Mon 9 am - 1 pm
Wed 4 pm - 8 pm
Thu 1 pm - 4 pm
*Studio hours subject to change*
Lending Information
Library Cards
What do I need to do to get a Welles-Turner Memorial Library card?
Glastonbury residents who do not have a valid library card can request a temporary card. This account gives you access to online resources and will be deleted after 30 days. To sign up, please click here.
To get a physical library card which is good for 3 years, you need to go to the Lending Desk and show proof of residency, such as a driver's license with your Glastonbury address or a recently cancelled piece of first-class mail. Your name and address must appear on your proof of residency. Children ages 17 and under must have a parent with them in order to get a library card.
May I borrow materials when I apply for my library card?
Yes, your card is issued immediately. For your protection, do not loan your card to anyone else, as you are responsible for any materials charged to your card.
May I use my card at other libraries?
Yes, your Welles-Turner Memorial Library card may be used at most public libraries in Connecticut. Academic libraries usually require borrowers to be a student at that institution.
How can I find out what is on my library card?
Select Login, enter your last name and library card (barcode) number, and Submit Query.
Your full name should appear at the top of the screen as well as under Search Tools. Click on your name to view your account information, renew your current checkouts, and more.
For assistance, please call Reference at 860-652-7720.
What do I do if my library card is lost or stolen?
Notify the library immediately. You are responsible for all materials borrowed on your card. Replacement cards cost $2.00.
If an item is not available at the library, you can reserve it and you will either get our copy when it returns or we will obtain it from another library in our consortium (whichever is faster). When it arrives, it will be held for 7 days. Don't worry, we only count days the library is open!
How will I know when a book I'm waiting for is available?
You will be notified about available holds by email. You can provide us with your email address when you visit the library, or you can edit your library account information online. If you have a spam blocker on your email account, please set it to accept mail from Mail will arrive with the subject heading "Hold Available for Pickup." If you do not use email, you can check the status of your holds online 24/7, or you can call Lending Services at 860-652-7719.
You can also receive text notifications when your holds are available. Here’s how to sign up:
- Log into your library account from the online catalog. If you haven't already established a PIN, you will need to create one.
- Click on Edit Account, just below your name.
- When the “Modify Patron Information” popup window opens, enter your cell number in the “Mobile Phone No.” field, click on the “Opt In” check box and click on Submit at the bottom of the page.
- You will receive a text within a few minutes to confirm your signup; text back “YES.”
- You will receive a message within a few minutes to confirm your signup.
Please note:
- One library account per cell number.
- You will continue to receive email notices.
- The service is free, but message and data rates may apply.
Lending Materials
3 weeks |
7 days |
2 days |
May I borrow materials without my card?
Yes. You may use a valid (not expired, address matches your library card record) CT driver's license if you do not have your card with you. However, we encourage you to bring your card with you.
Checkouts are renewed automatically up to two times as long as no one is waiting for the item. You should receive a renewal notice by email when the automatic renewal goes through.
You can check the status of renewals...
- In person: Use your library card, or bring in the library materials you wish to renew.
- By phone: Call 860-652-7719, and have your library card (barcode number) handy.
- Online: Click here to log into your library account.
Most materials can be renewed twice, as long as no one else is waiting. Museum passes are not renewable.
May I return materials at any other library?
Yes, except for museum passes and Library of Things items, materials may be returned at other libraries. Please be aware that items returned to libraries outside our consortium (including the South Glastonbury and East Glastonbury, which are private libraries) will remain on your account until they arrive back at Welles-Turner Library. Therefore it is highly recommended that you do not return videos or DVDs to libraries outside our consortium.
Where do I return items?
Items can either be returned in the 24-hour book drop (built into the north outside wall of the library, accessible from the driveway that leads from Main Street to the rear parking lot), in our automatic sorter next to the Lending desk on the first floor (parking lot entrance), or in the drop box on the upper level near the front door (Main street entrance).
Guidelines for using the book drop:
- Make sure all materials are fully inserted into the drop so they are not vulnerable to weather conditions; do not leave materials outside of the book drop.
- Do not include fine money in materials, as it can become separated from your return.
- Museum passes are to be returned in person at the lending desk instead of in the book drop.
- Materials returned in the Welles-Turner book drop when the library is closed will be logged in as of the previous open business day.
As of May 2024, WTML has eliminated overdue fines on late items (with just a few exceptions - museum passes, Lucky Day books, and Library of Things items).
Due dates still matter. If a book is damaged or assumed lost, borrowers will still be responsible for replacement charges.
Your card will be blocked if you accrue replacement charges of $10.00 or more. You will be unable to charge additional items or use our Internet computers until a payment bringing the total to less than $10.00 is made.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
What if I lose or damage library materials?
Notify the library as soon as possible. To retain your borrowing privileges, you will need to pay for the replacement of each item. There are no refunds for lost items that are returned after payment.
What if I am moving?
If you are moving within town, please let us know your new address as soon as possible. If you are moving within Connecticut, you need to get a library card from the library in the town in which you reside. You are then welcome to use that card here. If you are moving out of state, please turn your library card in before you leave.